Pearl Rosary – The Path of Purification (PDF)


Written by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche; edited by Khenmo Trinlay Chodron.  500 pages.

This is the electronic version of the original hardcopy book (e-Book). The hardcopy version can be found here.

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The Path of Purification as set forth in deity practice sadhanas and commentaries. Particularly useful guide to those without the benefit of the presence of a teacher.  Includes deity practice for Chenrezig, Manjushri, Green Tara, White Tara, Vajrapani, Amitabha, Amitayus, Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva and Achi Chokyi Drolma.  Sadhanas in English and Tibetan.  Commentaries in English.